Statistical fact-checking and dataset abstraction at ACM CIKM 2022

The demonstrations: “Abstra: Toward Generic Abstractions for Data of Any Model” by Nelly Barret, Ioana Manolescu and Prajna Upadhyay and “Statistical Claim Checking: StatCheck in Action” by Oana Balalau, Simon Ebel, Théo Galizzi, Ioana Manolescu, Quentin Massonnat, Antoine Deiana, Emilie Gautreau, Antoine Krempf, Thomas Pontillon, Gérald Roux, Joanna Yakin have…

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Empowering Investigative Journalism with Graph-Based Heterogeneous Data Management: ACM CIKM 2021 and IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin

Our demonstration “Discovering Conflicts of Interest across Heterogeneous Data Sources with ConnectionLens”  by Angelos-Christos Anadiotis, Oana Balalou, Théo Bouganim, Francesco Chimienti, Helena Galhardas, Yamen Haddad, Stéphane Horel, Ioana Manolescu, Youssr Youssef appears today in the ACM CIKM International Conference! The video is available at while the companion paper appears…

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Dataset abstraction and efficient information extraction: SourcesSay at BDA 2021

Our project was present at the BDA 2021 conference with two short papers, a PhD paper, and a demonstration: “Efficiently identifying pseudo-nulls in heterogeneous text data” authored by Théo Bouganim, Helena Galhardas and Ioana Manolescu. “Toward Generic Abstractions for Data of Any Model” authored by Nelly Barret, Ioana Manolescu and Prajna Upadhyay.…

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