Keynote at ISWC 2024
Ioana Manolescu presented SourcesSay scientific results (from the ConnectionLens, Abstra and PathWays projects) in an invited keynote “Retrieve (and Leverage) the Inner Graph Behind the Data” at the ISWC 2024 conference.
Ioana Manolescu presented SourcesSay scientific results (from the ConnectionLens, Abstra and PathWays projects) in an invited keynote “Retrieve (and Leverage) the Inner Graph Behind the Data” at the ISWC 2024 conference.
Even the best things have an end! Nelly Barret has defended her thesis on March 15, 2023. The jury consisted of: Jean-Marc PETIT (Rapporteur, INSA Lyon), Olivier TESTE (Rapporteur, U. Toulouse), Fatiha SAIS (Présidente du jury, U. Paris Saclay), Katja HOSE (TU Wien), Stefano CERI (Politecnico di Milano), Fatemeh NARGESIAN…
Ioana Manolescu gave a keynote at Journées Annuelles RADIA (Raisonnement, Données et IA) of the corresponding CNRS research group, in Strasbourg, on July 2, 2023.
Ioana Manolescu presented an invited talk titled “Teasing Journalistic Findings out of Heterogeneous Sources: A Data/AI journey” in the Colloque Jacques Morgenstern at Sophia Antipolis, on June 2, 2022. Video here:
Ioana Manolescu presented « Que disent les sources ? L’IA et le BigData au service de la détection des fausses nouvelles » at the seminar of Pôle numérique de l’Académie des Technologies, on May 10, 2022.
Angelos Anadiotis presented our work on conflicts of interest in the biomedical domain at the University of Cornell Database Seminar on April 18, 2022. Angelos-Christos Anadiotis from @Polytechnique / @INRIA discusses how to pursue conflicts of interest across heterogeneous data sources. Join us on Monday, 1 PM ET in the…