Category: talk
Dataset abstraction and efficient information extraction: SourcesSay at BDA 2021
Our project was present at the BDA 2021 conference with two short papers, a PhD paper, and a demonstration: “Efficiently identifying pseudo-nulls in heterogeneous text data” authored by Théo Bouganim, Helena Galhardas and Ioana Manolescu. “Toward Generic Abstractions for Data of Any Model” authored by Nelly Barret, Ioana Manolescu and Prajna Upadhyay.…
SourcesSay at Journée Thématique: “IA – Applications et défis mathématiques”, INSA Rouen
Ioana Manolescu has presented “What do the Sources Say? Interweaving Data Sources with the Help of AI for Journalistic Data Integration” at the “Intelligence Artificielle & Entreprises – Applications et défis mathématiques” meeeting at INSA Rouen, on Sept 30, 2021.
SourcesSay keynote at ICFCA 2021
SourcesSay at PFIA 2021
LIG Keynote Speech
Invited talk in the “Trustworthy Data Science and AI” at U. Simon Fraser, Canada
Keynote talk at KnoD 2021
Ioana Manolescu gave an invited keynote at the Int.’l workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (KnoD) describing results from the ContentCheck project as well as from SourcesSay, in particular, the ConnectionLens platform.
Dataset abstraction and efficient information extraction: SourcesSay at BDA 2021

Our project was present at the BDA 2021 conference with two short papers, a PhD paper, and a demonstration: “Efficiently identifying pseudo-nulls in heterogeneous text data” authored by Théo Bouganim, Helena Galhardas and Ioana Manolescu. “Toward Generic Abstractions for Data of Any Model” authored by Nelly Barret, Ioana Manolescu and Prajna Upadhyay.…
SourcesSay at Journée Thématique: “IA – Applications et défis mathématiques”, INSA Rouen
Ioana Manolescu has presented “What do the Sources Say? Interweaving Data Sources with the Help of AI for Journalistic Data Integration” at the “Intelligence Artificielle & Entreprises – Applications et défis mathématiques” meeeting at INSA Rouen, on Sept 30, 2021.
SourcesSay keynote at ICFCA 2021
SourcesSay at PFIA 2021
LIG Keynote Speech
Invited talk in the “Trustworthy Data Science and AI” at U. Simon Fraser, Canada
Keynote talk at KnoD 2021
Ioana Manolescu gave an invited keynote at the Int.’l workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (KnoD) describing results from the ContentCheck project as well as from SourcesSay, in particular, the ConnectionLens platform.