SciCAR2023: Building a Conflict of Interest Database

SciCAR stands for “Where Science meets Computer-Assisted Reporting”. The 2023 edition of this conference was held in Dortmund, Germany, on Sept 29-20, 2023. Oana Balalau, Théo Bouganim and Ioana Manolescu were present to SciCAR and explained how to use ConnectionLens to build a database about conflicts of interest in the biomedical domain.
Stéphane Horel (Le Monde), Oana Balalau (Inria, CEDAR), Ioana Manolescu (Inria, CEDAR), Théo Bouganim (Inria, CEDAR), Gary Fooks (U. Bristol, UK) and Tom Mills (U. Aston, UK)

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